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Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Smart blood management

Hemotic develops disruptive solutions for blood banking based on mathematical algorithms. Get the most out of your data for highly efficient and quality processes.

Optimise blood component production with a revolutionary software based on mathematical algorithms

Ancla 1


With a simple software you can meet the best manufacturing practice


An innovative algorithm calculates the optimal daily production of blood components, always maintaining an adequate stock without expiry and without breaks of stock.

early warnings

The software includes production warnings to anticipate and avoid difficult situations for the production of blood component.

Lhema is a secure, innovative and customized software for Blood Banks. This software works independently of the existing technology in the production centers. With Lhema you no longer have to worry about production decisions, its indications and recommendations will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency and performance in the production of blood components. Lhema puts both the patient and the donor first.


All blood bank activity data will be improved by achieving an efficient Transfusion Network with minimal losses and the highest possible transfusion quality.

cost savings

A cost-effective and loss-free production process.

About us


Hemotic is a Spanish Start-Up with a team of experts in A.I., data science and computer science.

Our goal is to improve efficiency and make processes in blood banks easier through mathematical techniques.

To this end, we make sophisticated algorithms for decision making available to everyone. Our users are able to make the best decisions for optimal operation of Transfusion Networks.

Events & Publications




Hemotic S.L.

+34 646 831 673 / +34 690 969 110

C/ Alcalde Maillata 15, 31390 Olite, Navarra, Spain 

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«Esta empresa, HEMOTIC, S.L., ha recibido una ayuda dentro de la convocatoria “ACTIVA STARTUPS” 2023, Ayudas dirigidas a impulsar la innovación abierta en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia para PYMEs de Navarra, según las bases reguladoras establecidas en la Orden ICT/1426/2021, de 14 de diciembre así como, los establecido en el Ley 38/2003, de 17 de noviembre, General de Subvenciones y el Real Decreto 887/2006, de 21 de julio, que aprueba el Reglamento de esta»

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